Understanding Importance of a Great Cover in Magazine Printing

Magazine Printing

The magazine cover is the key that convinces the buyer to pick your magazine from the stack bundled with other competitors. Hence, a reliable and reputed magazine printing company will always ask you to focus on designing an attractive cover. You can see the magic in top magazines like Forbes, Cosmopolitan, etc. where the magazine displays a large cover image with small snippets of articles or interviews around the image.

It only takes 4 seconds for someone to glance through a stack of magazines and pick one or two from them. In short, you need a cover that impresses or attracts the buyer within that timeframe.

Unlike Books, Magazines are judged by its Cover

A buyer will take some time before picking up the right book, but that’s not the case with magazines. It takes only a few seconds for the buyer to pick the right magazine and the cover of the magazine plays the most important role there. Hence, it is not at all wise to ignore this primary element of your magazine. It is advisable to hire a professional magazine printing company which can help you design and create elegant and attractive magazine covers for each edition.

The magazine cover deals with two crucial aspects relevant to magazine buying. First of them is building the brand image of the magazine, whereas the second aspect involves developing curiosity and drawing attention to the magazine. Both these aspects help trigger the buyer’s impulse to pick up the magazine from the newsstand. That’s it. Once the buyer picks up the magazine, the likelihood of him/her buying it increases eventually.

Choosing the Right Cover for Magazine Printing

So, the next big challenge is designing the best magazine cover. Well, there are four main elements of creating a magazine cover that’s widely used by magazine printing companies in San Antonio.

They are as follows:


Typography is all about setting the right font size and type on the cover. The font type plays a critical role in designing an aesthetically pleasing cover. While the masthead remains the same for each issue, the different headlines on the magazine cover must complement the fonts used for the masthead to maintain a consistent look.


The charm of any magazine publication is the photography reflected in each issue. Whether you are sharing interviews with influencers or covering hot features, you must include crisp and clear photographs to bring life to such articles. Such pictures can also reflect on the magazine cover to inform the potential reader about the contents of the magazine. A large cover image highlighting the best article or central feature in the particular issue can do wonders for your magazine sales.


Create some fresh and creative headlines on the magazine cover to arouse curiosity among the potential buyers. It takes a lot of creative skills and understanding to write great headlines. Quality magazine printing in San Antonio also offers great writers who can scribble eye-catching headlines those are potential enough to build interest among probable magazine buyers.

Graphic Design

A talented graphic designer or a team can combine all the above elements in a unified manner to create an excellent cover for your magazine. A reputed magazine printing service in San Antonio will also have a team of graphic designers onboard to help you design attractive and insightful magazine cover which will urge a buyer to pick up, review, and purchase the magazine.

Over to you!

Find a professional magazine printing service in San Antonio that offers excellent printing infrastructure and a team of quality writers and graphic designers today! A quality San Antonio magazine printing service can help you create a unique and attractive magazine cover for every issue henceforth.

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