Amazing free font resources every publisher and designer should know about.
Today we are going to be talking about fonts and how important they are. We are going to share with you some amazing free resources that will elevate your designs and we’re sure you will find these FREE Resources very valuable.
Fonts set the right tone and mood of any design. Certain fonts make you feel happy and others reflect a more serious tone. One can see fonts in children’s books. They make the reader happy and joyful. On the other hand, fonts used in the annual reports are professional and have a serious tone. You can determine a company’s culture by the fonts they use in their marketing.
Using only one or two fonts is easier to read and creates a sense of harmony in the design. On the other hand famous designers like David Carson break all the rules and make a Ransom Note Style of design work. But it works!
Here are some of the best Free Font Resources
Free Font Resources | Font Downloads
Open Foundry | open-foundry.com
One of the really nice things about this free platform is that it offers open source fonts. That means you can use them for personal or commercial use. Just scroll through the fonts. Click on the name font name and if you keep Scrolling you can see sample artwork using that font. You will also see the style and weight as well as all the characters. At the bottom of the page you will be able download the font
Fonts In The Wild | fontsinthewild.com
This site has a really clean layout. You can toggle through free fonts, google fonts, which have a lot more options than it used to. And if you have an adobe subscription you can use those fonts as well. Just scroll through the samples and click on one you like. You can checkout the website that is using the font to see it in action.When you find the one you like click on the link and it will direct you to the download page.
Fontesk | fontesk.com
With fontesk you can toggle through font families. You can scroll through the sample uses and right below the sample image you can see the font family and the license type. So click on the image of the font you like and you can see more sample uses and information on the font. There is also a big blue download button making it easy to find the download.
Free Font Resources | FONT PAIRING
Font Joy | fontjoy.com
This is an easy to use font paring generator. You simply click the generate button and it selects fonts for the heading, sub-head and body copy. When you find a font you like click the lock on the left hand side and keep generating until you have all the fonts you need. Once you do that click on the name and it will take you to a download page.
Font Pair | fontpair.co
Fontpair is really cool because you can use it for font recommendations or inspiration. You can also click into a sample font and type or paste in your own content. When you find the font for you just click on the view more button and from here you will be able to download the font.
Fonts In Use | fontsinuse.com
Fonts in use are really nice in the way that it displays the fonts below the sample in a large size. It’s easy to see and from here you can click on the desired font and read all about it. It also directs you how to purchase these fonts.
Free Font Resources | FONT IDENTIFIER
What The Font | myfonts.com/WhatTheFont
With what the font just upload a .png or .jpg file. Select the crop on the image and then hit the blue go button. This will generate all the possibilities of the font being used. So scroll through and find the best match. It will also show you where to get the font. And if you have any other questions you can join their community and get all the answers you need.
Hope you found some of these free font resources valuable so you can use for your next project.
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